Saturday, September 28, 2024

General Translator - Operation Eternal Ecstasy (and a few new releases)


I was sad to see the announcement earlier this year that the General Translator project is over, but it got me to finally download and check out the things I'd missed since my disappearance in 2016. Released in 2017 and released on cassette via Bedlam Tapes, this album feels like a long lost soundtrack to a Blade Runner-inspired, noir-utopia video game that I would figure got its release through Sega Dreamcast. Each track takes you into its own world of exploration, whether it's in a seedy alleyway (A Murder in Cold Blood [Stage 1]), a bizarre alt bar (surface web voyeur), or in a back room that doubles as a save point (stellar moth collection). As a lady who loves the moodier side of vaporwave, this album really hits the spot. My favorite on the album, meet me in the Tart Cloud Club, is definitely the level where you're meeting up with a very attractive assassin in a dimly lit restaurant (like this), where the objective is to seduce, then murder. Quick shoutout to Digital Sex/Dreaming Diary for the cool cover art!

You may find the album for free digitally at the link below: 

While you're there, give Parasensory a listen. It's not only General Translator's last album, but it feels like it fits within Operation Eternal Ecstasy's world (or at least is a secret door in OEE that leads you to Parasensory), and it's really fucking good. We'll miss you, General Translator.

Before I close this out, a few more new releases. As always, links will open in a new window.
[carteBlanche] - Karmic Credit Score +​+​+ - Released September 20, 2024
Voyage Futur - Inverted Land - Released September 27, 2024
HYDROPLANED INTO A FALSE REALITY! - Weather Vane - Released September 11, 2024 but released physically on September 27 via Egoscapes.
Aexion - ᨖ​ᨗ​ᨆ​ᨊ​ᨙ ᨔ​ᨘ​ᨌ​ᨗ 「Hallow Hymn」 - Released April 25, 2024 but released physically on September 27, 2024 via NO PROBLEMA TAPES.

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